Saturday, March 26, 2011

Closet Case

There's a scene in Sex and the City where Mr. Big asks Carrie if she wants a diamond ring to make their engagement official.  She replies by saying "No, just get me a really big closet."

I can relate.  Some girls upon a proposal want the right cut, caret and clarity - all I want is a place to store all my FAVORITE gems - dresses, skirts, cheap costume jewelry and clutches.  Maybe that's why I picked such a small rock, but took over the big utility closet in our apartment? 

So many movies live out my closet fantasies.  Including S&TC.  When Carrie finally sees her finished walk-in (that's pretty much the size of my apartment), my heart races.  So does it when Andie Sachs shops through the big one at Runway.  And of course, when Carrie again takes a peek in the closet at Vogue.

But let's face it, not all of us have a walk-in, let alone these dream closets.  But even so, we still need to take care of our favorite items.  Over the three years I've called my apartment home, I've found ways to improve what little storage space I have.  Some things are folded, some hung, but all are handled with care.  Here are some helpful hints:

1.  Keep all like clothing together.  I hang my dresses with my dresses, skirts with skirts, pants and jeans, all together.  Also, organize by sleeve length, hem length and style.  I also like to hang my scarves so they stay nice and wrinkle-free.

2.  Fold all tees, sweatshirts, and sweaters.  I only hang my "fun" tops and blouses so they're easily accessible and in view when trying to put cute outfits together.  I fold the basics and store away where they don't need to be seen.  Also, sweaters keep their shape better when folded nicely.  As for gym clothes - store those away too.  They should never be the showcase of your wardrobe.

3.  No room for a jewelry box?  Hang your jewelry up.  I used a cork board (about $5) and hung all of my favorite costume jewelry up with push pins.  Not only does it keep everything from getting tangled, but it also cuts down time in getting ready (everything is right there to see and easily accessible).

4.  Too many purses, nowhere to hang them?  I keep all of mine together in wicker baskets.  That way they're all in one place and safely tucked away.

5.  Clothes falling off of hangers, hangers breaking, etc?  Toss out all those free wire hangers from the dry cleaners!  Not only are they ugly, they slowly ruin your clothes by leaving shoulders misshapen and with no support.  I admit this is a splurge, but I stocked up on Huggable Hangers (wait for them to go on sale at Target and get the value pack).  They keep everything from slipping off and give your closet a nice, uniform, clean look.

6.  Shoes getting mixed up and taking up floor space?  Invest in a door hanger to keep your shoes organized.  It saves a lot of room and your sanity when you're not running around trying to find the missing mate to a shoe in a hurry.

 Having a nice, organized closet makes it a lot easier (and more fun) to get dressed every day.  It doesn't cost much to do.  Also, it helps you keep in mind what you have so you don't end up wasting money on a lot of the same black pants and white button-ups.  Money that can hopefully some day save up for that dream closet you see in the movies...

Thursday, March 24, 2011

Man Up On Your Style

Sometimes I think I was born into the wrong era.  I love full skirts and mid-length hemlines.  I have porcelain skin and can't get a tan to save my life (or maybe in that case I am saving it!?!), and I love wearing high heeled pumps as opposed to this decade's flats and uggs.  But mostly, I wish I was of the age where people dressed to the nines just to go out.  No pajama bottoms in the grocery aisle.  No flip flops to a wedding. 

This especially stands for guys.  I long for the days when men used to wear a hat when they went out.  When their clothes were nicely ironed.  When they had a sense of pride in their style.  I imagine a time when guys had men like Clark Gable, Cary Grant or Jimmy Stewart to look up to.  They were clean-shaven, dapper, suave.  Or even a couple decades later there was Frank Sinatra and James Dean breaking that mold but still keeping it fresh and stylish.  Now a days, it seems like we're surrounded by treats like The Situation or - gasp - Jon Gosselin in their creepy Ed Hardy tees - if we're fortunate for them to be wearing shirts at all.

Of course there are guys in this era giving men someone to look up to.  There's the classic Brad Pitt.  And let's not forget George Clooney - who no matter how much he ages - still manages to look dashing.  And then the always handsome Matthew Mcconaughey - although I think there are many that wouldn't mind if HE wasn't wearing a shirt.  Let's not forget Johnny Depp - who marches to his own drum but still makes a great style of his own.

I'm hoping guys start taking notes on the latter - because it seems like there are more and more screen tees, super skinny jeans that look like they were "accidentally" found on the women's side of Gap, and messy hair way overdue for a trim.  Bring back the fedoras - always hot, button-ups and classic pants.  Even a tailored blazer or suede jacket over a simple white tee will do.  Put it this way, you're way better off sticking to the classics than following the trends.

I'm imagining Cher's friend Christian in the film "Clueless" holding an old-school leather jacket questioning:

Christian: "Is it more James Dean or Jason Priestly?"

Cher: "Carpe diem!  You looked hot in it!"

My point exactly!

Tuesday, March 22, 2011

Recycle and Restyle

If you're anything like me, you're on a tight budget when it comes to fashion.  Sure, celebrities might be able to afford an $885 pair of Christian Louboutin heels, but I'm pretty much stuck with Payless - or on a good day - Aldo's.  I might love the feel of a cashmere sweater, but for now I'm sporting a machine washable wool/cotton mix. 

This doesn't mean I don't have the desire for a fresh spring look.  In fact, I'm dying for the first day warm enough to break out my sun dresses and hang up my peacoat.  I'm just going to have to be a bit more resourceful this season.   That means making the most with what I have.

So far it's been pretty easy.  I searched my wardrobe - which led me to a few things I forgot I had - and some I wish I didn't.  I brought an entire stack of clothes to a resale shop.  Some, I mixed into my closet, and a few I gave away to friends.  The pile of dresses I bought several years (and several sizes) ago went to my tailor, who is refitting them to my current shape.  I can't wait to get them back!

So why not go and explore your closet?  Take in clothes that don't fit, or sell them for some extra cash.  Or make a girlfriend's day and pass along something you don't need anymore.  Who knows, she could love it!  Either way, it'll help refresh your closet and put some "spring" into your wardrobe.

Sunday, March 20, 2011

A Timeless Classic

One of my two all-time favorite style icons is Katharine Hepburn (the other is Audrey Hepburn - no relation).  I love her one-of-a-kind looks.  Her way of incorporating menswear items such as trousers and oxfords with flowy blouses and wavy, feminine hair were ahead of her time.  When many women in Hollywood were hugging curves, shaving eyebrows, and going bleach blond, she kept her looks natural and practical.  Her style was easy going yet pure perfection.  So perfect, in fact, we are still copying it today.  Just try opening In Style or People without seeing a pic of a model or celebrity sporting fitted pants with a bow neck blouse.  A feminine update to the oxfords Kate sported seventy years ago are frolicking down city streets on stars such as Kate Bosworth and Kourtney Kardashian.  Even the skinny jeans worn with blazers are a touchstone to the great Oscar winner.

Needless to say, Katharine is one of my idols.  So, imagine my surprise when over dinner with my Aunt on Saturday night, I came to find that Kate was adored by my passed grandma as well.  Unfortunately, I was too young to appreciate style when she was still alive, but apparently she and my aunt would spend their Saturday nights watching old classics - many starring my own fashion star.  Their favorite film - "The African Queen."

Grandma died almost 11 years ago, but I feel just a little closer to her today knowing that we both shared the love of Katharine Hepburn's style and class.  I think I'll have a whole new appreciation the next time I watch my favorite movie - "The Philadelphia Story" - even if it is about the one hundredth time I'd be watching it.

Saturday, March 19, 2011

Style By Sarah

Welcome to Sarah Seymour Style!  This blog is my new voice on the world of fashion, style and shopping.  I will not only define my own tastes, but also give tips and trials of what's new in stores and where to find the highest quality at the best price.  Feel free to ask questions - I love helping people find their own personal style.  I believe that fashion isn't just for the skinny minis out there - it's for everyone.  All women deserve to feel gorgeous every day.  Why waste a minute of life in something that doesn't make you feel your absolute best?  That's my philosophy.  To quote one of my idols, Coco Chanel, "A woman should be two things: classy and fabulous."  So much truth to that!