Thursday, March 24, 2011

Man Up On Your Style

Sometimes I think I was born into the wrong era.  I love full skirts and mid-length hemlines.  I have porcelain skin and can't get a tan to save my life (or maybe in that case I am saving it!?!), and I love wearing high heeled pumps as opposed to this decade's flats and uggs.  But mostly, I wish I was of the age where people dressed to the nines just to go out.  No pajama bottoms in the grocery aisle.  No flip flops to a wedding. 

This especially stands for guys.  I long for the days when men used to wear a hat when they went out.  When their clothes were nicely ironed.  When they had a sense of pride in their style.  I imagine a time when guys had men like Clark Gable, Cary Grant or Jimmy Stewart to look up to.  They were clean-shaven, dapper, suave.  Or even a couple decades later there was Frank Sinatra and James Dean breaking that mold but still keeping it fresh and stylish.  Now a days, it seems like we're surrounded by treats like The Situation or - gasp - Jon Gosselin in their creepy Ed Hardy tees - if we're fortunate for them to be wearing shirts at all.

Of course there are guys in this era giving men someone to look up to.  There's the classic Brad Pitt.  And let's not forget George Clooney - who no matter how much he ages - still manages to look dashing.  And then the always handsome Matthew Mcconaughey - although I think there are many that wouldn't mind if HE wasn't wearing a shirt.  Let's not forget Johnny Depp - who marches to his own drum but still makes a great style of his own.

I'm hoping guys start taking notes on the latter - because it seems like there are more and more screen tees, super skinny jeans that look like they were "accidentally" found on the women's side of Gap, and messy hair way overdue for a trim.  Bring back the fedoras - always hot, button-ups and classic pants.  Even a tailored blazer or suede jacket over a simple white tee will do.  Put it this way, you're way better off sticking to the classics than following the trends.

I'm imagining Cher's friend Christian in the film "Clueless" holding an old-school leather jacket questioning:

Christian: "Is it more James Dean or Jason Priestly?"

Cher: "Carpe diem!  You looked hot in it!"

My point exactly!

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