Saturday, March 26, 2011

Closet Case

There's a scene in Sex and the City where Mr. Big asks Carrie if she wants a diamond ring to make their engagement official.  She replies by saying "No, just get me a really big closet."

I can relate.  Some girls upon a proposal want the right cut, caret and clarity - all I want is a place to store all my FAVORITE gems - dresses, skirts, cheap costume jewelry and clutches.  Maybe that's why I picked such a small rock, but took over the big utility closet in our apartment? 

So many movies live out my closet fantasies.  Including S&TC.  When Carrie finally sees her finished walk-in (that's pretty much the size of my apartment), my heart races.  So does it when Andie Sachs shops through the big one at Runway.  And of course, when Carrie again takes a peek in the closet at Vogue.

But let's face it, not all of us have a walk-in, let alone these dream closets.  But even so, we still need to take care of our favorite items.  Over the three years I've called my apartment home, I've found ways to improve what little storage space I have.  Some things are folded, some hung, but all are handled with care.  Here are some helpful hints:

1.  Keep all like clothing together.  I hang my dresses with my dresses, skirts with skirts, pants and jeans, all together.  Also, organize by sleeve length, hem length and style.  I also like to hang my scarves so they stay nice and wrinkle-free.

2.  Fold all tees, sweatshirts, and sweaters.  I only hang my "fun" tops and blouses so they're easily accessible and in view when trying to put cute outfits together.  I fold the basics and store away where they don't need to be seen.  Also, sweaters keep their shape better when folded nicely.  As for gym clothes - store those away too.  They should never be the showcase of your wardrobe.

3.  No room for a jewelry box?  Hang your jewelry up.  I used a cork board (about $5) and hung all of my favorite costume jewelry up with push pins.  Not only does it keep everything from getting tangled, but it also cuts down time in getting ready (everything is right there to see and easily accessible).

4.  Too many purses, nowhere to hang them?  I keep all of mine together in wicker baskets.  That way they're all in one place and safely tucked away.

5.  Clothes falling off of hangers, hangers breaking, etc?  Toss out all those free wire hangers from the dry cleaners!  Not only are they ugly, they slowly ruin your clothes by leaving shoulders misshapen and with no support.  I admit this is a splurge, but I stocked up on Huggable Hangers (wait for them to go on sale at Target and get the value pack).  They keep everything from slipping off and give your closet a nice, uniform, clean look.

6.  Shoes getting mixed up and taking up floor space?  Invest in a door hanger to keep your shoes organized.  It saves a lot of room and your sanity when you're not running around trying to find the missing mate to a shoe in a hurry.

 Having a nice, organized closet makes it a lot easier (and more fun) to get dressed every day.  It doesn't cost much to do.  Also, it helps you keep in mind what you have so you don't end up wasting money on a lot of the same black pants and white button-ups.  Money that can hopefully some day save up for that dream closet you see in the movies...

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